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Frequently Asked Questions

There are a few different skin types—normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. Knowing what skin type you have is important, as you can then choose the best products and treatments to maintain healthy, glowing skin. To determine the exact type of skin you have, we run a skin analysis using our high tech machines.

Skincare products do not last forever. Once opened, these products have a limited shelf life. The exposure to air and bacteria over time can break them down. If used past the expiration date, the product may not be effective or could cause an adverse reaction.

Results can vary by individual and what products you are using. How consistent you are with your skincare routine plays an important role in the success of your results. At Flawless Skin by Abby, we love to under-promise and over-deliver, thus we give a baseline of 3-6 months for the skin to go from worse to best. Results may be seen sooner than this baseline.

Observe how your hair responds to the products and styling tools you use.  No matter the length, does your hair have body, look shiny, feel smooth & strong? Keep a “hair diary” and take seasonal headshot photos to be mindful of the condition of your hair. Listen to compliments from others, because it’s usually an indication that you’ve selected the right hair care regimen for you and your lifestyle and personality.

There are usually both internal and external factors that impact normal hair growth, like hormonal changes, genetic predisposition, excessive heat styling, over-processing, HBP medication, etc…. However, most times hair is actually growing, but, with breakage and split ends normal growth isn’t noticeable. Your primary objective should be to prevent hair breakage. Use products to increase “slippage” and detangling, avoid heat styling whenever possible, and don’t pull or stretch wet hair which is more prone to “pop”, and keep hair conditioned for better elasticity.

We offer three different payment methods currently. Persons in Kingston and St. Catherine can pay cash on delivery. Persons outside of kingston can pay via online transfer or paypal.

No, it is not for only natural hair. Natural hair products are the best for those who have natural hair. They also works for those with relaxed (permed) hair as well.

We call our products natural hair products because we use only natural ingredients. No harmful chemicals!

Our products are only made with natural ingredients, so they are very safe.

However, we recommend them for only children 1 year old and above.

Deliveries within Kingston and St. Catherine are done within 24 hours.

Other parishes are done with 24hrs once the order is placed before 12. Send us a message for international deliveries.


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